Completed: Construction Project 238275-8 (Map Section 5) – C.R. 46A Realignment from North of Arundel Way to S.R. 429


This non-tolled project relocated a portion of County Road (C.R.) 46A out of the Seminole State Forest, thereby improving habitat connectivity and reducing the risk of conflicts between vehicles and wildlife. C.R. 46A has been realigned 2.5 miles from north of Arundel Way to connect to State Road (S.R.) 429 east of Camp Challenge Road. Work includes roadway widening, medians and turn lanes, drainage, lighting, sign and pavement markings, utilities and other roadway features.


Project Schedule:

Construction Start: June 5, 2017

Completion: October 31, 2019


Section 5 Landscape Plan Update 2020


CR46A_typical SECTIONS 040115


(*Please be advised that plan files are large and may take a couple of minutes to download.)

Section 5 100 Percent Plans Update_Roadway Pt 1 Feb 2016

Section 5 100 Percent Plans Update_Roadway Pt 2 Feb 2016

Section 5 100 Percent Plans Update_Roadway Pt 3 Feb 2016

Section 5 100 Percent Plans Update Signals February 2016

Section 5 100 Percent Plans Update Sign and Pavement Marking February 2016

Section 5 100 Percent Plans Update_Landscaping February 2016


Section 5 Preliminary Exhibit with Profile_Typical Section_Nov 2013


Section 5 Pond Siting Report_no appendix_Oct 2013


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